Well our 70th birthday year is in full swing. First of all a huge bunch of congratulations to the cast and crew of Pericles, it was a great play with excellent reviews. Being in the Square Tower again was lovely, it’s a building that adds such atmosphere to every production. Our next main house production will be Rattigan’s Harlequinade, to be presented at the Station Theatre, Hayling Island in November, with an as-yet unnamed companion piece. There will be more details on this in the next few weeks, so come back here to keep in touch. To fill the gap between now and November we are looking to put on an evening of scenes directed by new directors, as we know there are many members who really want to try their hand at this in a safe and supported environment. Word has already gone out to the membership about this event, so if you are interested, please respond asap.
Last but not least – Party! We are having our 70th Birthday Party very soon, all the invitations have gone out and it promises to be a great night. See you there!