Well it’s all happening in SSA land this month. The Winter’s Tale is proceeding apace, with the cast well into rehearsals to ready themselves for this exciting April production. Tickets are now available from Ticketsource, so stroll on over to the Current Production page to secure your seat at the Square Tower.
Shakespeare’s Got Talent, long an idea in the creative brain of Mr Rob Bartlett, is now a thing! Part of the wonderful 400th commemorations of Shakespeare’s death, Much Ado About Portsmouth, this talent show cum grudge match will see the SSA take on Humdrum Amdram and others in a no-holds-barred presentation of scenes from some of the major plays. We are recruiting directors and actors (see Billboard below), and tickets are now available. It’s the Bard’s Best Bits for the X Factor Generation, so don’t miss it…..
Finally, and by no means less importantly, the latest edition of Billboard is now available. Packed with detail on The Winter’s Tale, Shakespeare’s Got Talent and our future productions, including a shout-out for wannabe directors, it’s well worth a read.