So it’s official! Our Autumn 2019 production will be A Midsummer Night’s Dream, directed by Paula Bartlett and Aaron Holdaway. The important dates for now – Tuesday 21st May at 8pm for the expo (straight after the AGM), auditions 1 on Tuesday 4th June at 7.30pm, and auditions 2 on Wednesday 12th June, also at 7.30pm. All of this takes place at our HQ in Omega Street.
Talking of the AGM – it’s at 7.30pm on Tuesday 21st May at HQ, if you are a member, or interested in joining us, then please don’t miss it – and then stay on for the MSND expo!
Finally advance notice – Rob Bartlett has been busily scribbling away and the rodents will be returning. Yes, it’s time for Gnawing: The Gerbils Return (this may not be the official title!). The provisional date for this magnum opus is Saturday 28th September, presented at Titchfield Community Centre. More new as we get it………….